Saturday, 30 January 2016

Year One - The Island of the Dolls by Emma Pullen

I am incredibly sorry for people with a phobia of dolls.. other than that I hope you all enjoy!

You are a paranormal investigator.

You have been saving up money to explore an island for many years after doing endless amounts of research on the island, and today is the day you make your dream come true.

You go through the day catching planes, trains and boats to this deserted island and finally you are here. You are introduced to the island by dolls, lots and lots of dolls. The more you explore these dolls the more you start to notice how unique each one really is, some of them aged and faded in colour, others looking brand new but each individual doll looking just as creepy as the last.

When the night approaches a cold, cloudy mist spreads across the island and you are left on your own with dolls that are getting stronger as the sky reaches complete darkness. Stumbling around, you hear a sinister laughter. The hairs on your arms standing like pins on your arms, you gasp for air. The eyes of a doll hanging lifelessly opposite you starts to open her eyes, but all you see in her sockets is the colour of the night sky, pitch black. You can’t look away from her piercing stare and you back away slowly, fear flooding through your body.

A tree rescues you from the frozen sea you were backing into. Suddenly, someone is staring at you, someone incredibly sinister. Rumours say that the most haunted doll is hanging off a tree somewhere on this island and you have just found him. The spirits that lay within him have been awoken and they are not happy about it. You meet the dolls beautiful brown eyes and blood starts to trickle out of his pupils. It’s too late.

You feel cold and sad. The feeling of control of your body is slowly being taken away from you and you start to give yourself to the doll.


A whisper runs straight through your bloodstream and you feel yourself walking slowly back towards the end of the island. Then darkness.

Water fills your lungs and your body turns to ice. Your clothes feel heavy as a sinking motion overwhelms you. Gasps for oxygen don’t work anymore, you are drowning.


Hours go by, or so you think.

But you wake up. As your eyes open, outlines of trees fill your vision and you realise you cannot move or feel the ground beneath you.

You are a doll.

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