Wednesday, 20 January 2016

My Aristotelian tragic hero: Lucinda Fountain, Year 1

Cast –                                                 
Protagonist; Alexander the Great
Antagonist; Darius III 
Protagonist’s advisor; Antipater
Protagonist’s love interest; Roxana
Protagonist’s right-hand guy; Alexander's general, Parmenion
 Scene 5
[Set in 332 BC, in the Kingdom of Macedon ruled by Alexander the Great. His father Phillip II was assassinated by the King of Persia, Darius III in the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC). Seeking vengeance he’s plotted to poison Darius and claim the region of Thrace.]
[The theatre in Aigai, Greece]
Alexander enters stage left. Striding out purposefully, to stand on the skene. Antipater simultaneously enters stage right.

Antipater: I entreat thee, to heed mine reservations, of Megas Basileus disposition.
Nay, abandon these pernicious schemes!
Alexander: Loyalty cloven; twofold deception interwoven.
Antipater: Alack, Sir, no –trusting thee deceiver, to deceive –thyself
Wronged in judgement. For, he’s to be trusted!
Alexander: you dare, to defy me!
Make haste in acquiring poison –fie! Flee
Erroneous errors; blunders.
         Exeunt Antipater. Scene fades to black. [Enter Parmenion –flustered and agitated]
Parmenion: I feel duty-bound to impart; grave news,
Doth deny, an appeased rapt heart.
Alexander: For shame –my faith in confidents, this day wanes.
Parmenion: [glances at his feet, lachrymose]
Alas, I lament that woe, which I grievously bestow!
Alexander: [countenance softens] 
A penitent pardon –pray, speak
Parmenion: It concerneth beloved Roxana.
                 [A chilling pause]
Darius defiled, a puritas plant!
     A blazoned banding, as Darius, seeketh supremacy
                 Taints—beauty’s burgeoning bud.   
         Thence as mildness, riled
[His voice breaks. Speech ceases]
Alexander: speak –I beseech thee!
Parmenion: She’s a fragmented, foliated flower
[Scene fades out. Alexander and Darius at the Deli River –stand facing one another. Darius holds Parmenion’s severed head aloft].
Darius: I contest, to this hypocrisy.
                   I deceived thee; secondary deceiver –shalt be reprieved
As a choice is laid before, thee  
Presently acquitted; in exile.  
Or, your people will die,
          As I, maketh Roxana thy bride!
Alexander: Nay, darkness shalt resteth –blessed
Darius: Taketh belladonna leaf
A draught which intended for me;
            Shalt leadeth–serendipity, odyssey
Whilst I delight, in such pernicious plight!
              An eternal rest, in your death.
Alexander: By my faith, verily
Enmity, animosity –this day divides; hides
           Kuningas’ lies –it shalt be your demise, as I die!
[Scene fades to black. Alexander the great’s death is remembered in song and folklore].

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