Tuesday, 29 September 2015

You Won't Let Me Go Alone - Melissa Robertson

So sorry for the late post guys! Have been having major problems getting onto this blogger page.

Anyhow, here's my work, enjoy!


Drown your sorrows in a glass of red, you said, it helps your feeling bleed out on the floor. Drip drop, drip drop. So you no longer feel pain, feel anything.

Bury your sorrows in the ground, you say, it helps keep your feelings in one place, not letting them escape, trapped in a tomb forever. Screaming to be let out.

Leave your sorrows, you preach, it helps if you run away, leave and forget them. Jump out the car, screeching as they plummet into the wall.

Drop your sorrows, you remind, tie them in a bag, knot it tight so it won't let loose. Drop them in the deepest of oceans. Lost with dreams and hope.


When the weight is so heavy, that it brings you to the floor and under sand, to sink in the sorrow and its demand,

When the lights are out, and you're in the dark, without a guiding light, to show you the path,

When you have nowhere else to run to, no strength left in your legs, no working car to run away,

When the bag is so heavy that you can't keep up, nor let it go, and it pulls you down till you're in the bottom...

I will rise from beneath, lifting you along with me, giving you strength, "remaking" you be,

I will shine true, like a sun no other, leaving room for no shadow, touching our lives warm,

I will come to rescue you, in my shelter and embrace, taking you another place, where I'll see smiles on your face,

I will reach out till the depths, to set you free and bring you back and safe, into the warmth you thought had ceased to be.

I'll be with you...


How do you love?
Love ...

My, love ...
Come rescue me,
rescue me ...
Craving you drives me restless
it seems.
Brightens my eyes
lightens my dreams.

You steal my breath,
tears dry away.
I'm dreaming,
believing, hoping for that day ...
Your face; awe-inspiring
Your voice; breath-riling
Your touch; all-tiring

My love,
take me away.

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